The frisbee team here is amazing! Not only have I been able to stay fresh with my frisbee skills, but I am also able to interact with the locals and learn more spanish. Granted, a lot of the terms they use are specific to frisbee and I’ve learned that there are also a lot of frisbee words they just say in English, but when I talk with them on the sidelines I learn a lot more. One of the guys is originally from Granada and since my program is taking a trip to Granda in few weeks I asked him about the differences between Granada and Sevilla. I learned that Granada is a lot smaller so I’m happy that we are traveling to both Cordoba and Granada in one weekend. He also mentioned that it’s a lot easier to get around just by walking which was interesting because I think Sevilla is very walkable. It would be hard to get from one end of the city to another by walking, but all the things I need are basically within walking distance, and if it’s not I just take a bike!

These are a few of my friends from frisbee! Usually about 25 people show up throughout the night, so this was after a few people had already left.

This is from El Gato En Bicicleta. The art and decor are very lively.
I’ve also been going to a specific cafe a lot called Gato En Bicicleta (Cat on a Bike) and I found an article about the cafe while I was there! It was a brochure full of interviews of locals and students studying abroad. The group who made it was actually the other American study abroad program around here called CIEE. (ISA was less expensive, which is why I chose this one over that one.) The article talked about how the cafe used to be in a different location and had a location for presentations and small theater productions. The owner is very community oriented and even in his new space there is a small space designated for people with laptops but the rest is full of tables and books because it is also partially a bookstore. The first time I went there I tried to buy a very feminist oriented planner but my debit card hasn’t been working anywhere but in the ATMs so it got rejected, but I told the owner I’d be back. I was so excited to buy the planner that I went back that afternoon forgetting most places close in the middle of the day for siestas so I had to wait another day. But of course, the next day as soon as my morning spanish class finished I ran over to the bookstore again and bought the planner- only to find out that it started in 2020 so I have to wait 3 months to use it. But alas, at least I’ll have a good story to share if people ask about my spanish planner at school.

This is me and Jasmine’s lunch one day. I will admit, I had already eaten a few pieces of chicken and because Jasmine is a vegan she didn’t have any chicken.
To be honest I still have not gotten used to the food. The meal times just make me hungry all the time so I’ve been buying a lot more fruit and nuts to make sure I’m maintaining a healthy diet in between meals. I’ve been hooked on walnuts specifically recently. Also, Bekah who’s staying at the residencia invited me over to make crepes and she got me hooked on nutella so of course I still have a jar next to my bed- whoops. My host mother Aurelia’s portions are also all over the place so I never know if I’m going to still be hungry after a meal or not be able to finish it. I am very grateful that she always gives us bread with our meals and even when she says she’s dieting she will still leave bread out for me and Jasmine to eat. The food she cooks is delicious it’s sometimes just a little less than I’m used to, which I’m learning to adjust to! I had couscous for the first time today and she cooked it with mushrooms, broccoli, and onions and it was absolutely amazing.
Whenever I go to a cafe to simply get coffee I’ve learned that you’re supposed to wait until right before you leave to pay. In the US a lot of cafes I go to require you to pay up front and then they’ll give you a number to bring to your table. Here the cafes are smaller so I’m thinking it must be easier for people to recognize who got what. This style also comes with a certain level of trust that people won’t dine and dash so I can appreciate that attitude. I’ve been studying for my midterms and working on projects so I haven’t had time to go to an intercambio recently, but I’m hoping I will get to go back soon so that I can engage myself more with the spanish culture through conversation.

This is a cafe bonbon. Basically it’s just a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of milk and sugar but it tastes good! This cafe is also in an artsy district of Sevilla called Alameda. It’s kind of far from my house but I try to go when I can!
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